Wednesday, October 22, 2008

alone again

AJ and I went back to work on Monday and my mom departed for the long drive home. And now we are along again. I awoke each morning this week and thought how strangely quiet, cold, and dark the house is, so different from everything we had expected, everything we had counted on.
Yesterday marked 2 weeks without Elise in our arms.
We talked for a long time last night about our pain, our loss, and our shared fear of what the future holds for us. We want so much to be more than just the two of us and Rocky, and yet that dream seems so elusive now, fraught with risk and worry and the sense that time is getting away from us.
I know this is all part of the process and I know there are brighter days ahead and I really look forward to standing in the sun again. But for now, we are in shadow, and we miss our dear sweet baby so much.


Shey said...

I hate to see you guys in pain. I read the wonderful comment in response to your last post by the woman who had a similar situation 8 years ago - and I have faith that one day when you guys are ready you'll have the family you dream about as well. My heart breaks for you guys every day...I wish we could fix everything and make Elise well and back with us.

Huddle Girls said...

There will be brighter days, it just takes time. Unfortunately there is no way around your grief, you simply have to work through it. I am praying for you as you return to work. I found the return to "normal" so very difficult because nothing is normal anymore. I love the new picture of Elise on your blog. She is beautiful.


Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I love you both so very much. I cannot fix or repair anything for you because grief work must be done first. Just know that I am here, will always be here for you.


Jeanna said...

It's hard to hear how difficult things are now, but I do know that you and AJ will have a beautiful family one day when the two of you are ready. The photo you posted of Elise and AJ was my favorite one. It is so sweet and precious. I am continually thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

dear stephanie,
not a day go by where i dont think about you, aj and my beautiful grand daughter elise. you and aj are in my prayers. i love you and aj very much. masood

Anonymous said...

Stephanie I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I could only imagine the devastation that you and AJ are feeling. I truly believe the worst thing in life is for a mother to lose their child, and I really hope God extends strength to you. After ready your blog I walked away from the computer and told my children how much I love them and how lucky I am that they are here with me. I feel great empathy for your current situation and only hope the days will get much better. You are in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

I am very sorry to hear of your loss, I just spoke with your father last night. You will be in my family's prayer. Brianne (Bird) Amaya